liberation and justice movement造句
- The agreement was signed by the Government of Sudan and the Liberation and Justice Movement on 14 July 2011.
- The new agreement was signed by the Government of Sudan and the Liberation and Justice Movement on 14 July 2011.
- In January 2011, the leader of the Liberation and Justice Movement, Dr . Tijani Sese, stated that the movement had accepted the core proposals of the Darfur peace document as proposed by the mediators in Doha.
- 28 October-The Liberation and Justice Movement, led by Ali Karbino ( LJM-K ), announced that they captured three Sudanese Armed Forces ( SAF ) troops during the clashes in Amarjadeed, north of Manawashi in South Darfur.
- 22 October-Defectors from the Tijani Sese-led Liberation and Justice Movement ( LJM ), claim to have killed ten government troops during a battle with the Sudanese Armed Forces ( SAF ) in the area of Amarjadeed, East Jebel Marra.
- The Sudanese Bloc to Liberate the Republic ( SBLR ) as well as the Liberation and Justice Movement ( LJM ) used to be independent organizations but have recently joined forces with JEM . As the Northern counter to the already existing SPLA, the Sudan People s Liberation Movement-North ( SPLM-N ) was created.
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